Tinkerbell is Naked


Yup, she is… unless of course she starts wearing some of Barbie’s jackets and boots or Sharpay’s dresses. She was attacked by Menlo (the puppy) after being left carelessly on the floor, stripped of her satin jester looking tu tu with pom pom shoes and then left next to the dollhouse for a friend to find. Funny, even after being attacked she had a smile. Good ole Tink, she’s always so happy. Unless of course she was the Julia Roberts Tink who seemed kind of moody – see for yourself on the left.

You are probably wondering why I know Tink’s clothes are gone for good. Totally stumped aren’t you? Well, I smelled it first, then I heard the anxious and slightly mad voice of Shad “OH MENLO! Bets…. I need some help here” I just knew it was something I REALLY did NOT want to get out of bed for (side note: I worked out at 5:30 and had just climbed back into bed so cozy is as cozy does at that point and Kate was lying beside me). As soon as I descended the stairs I saw a soaking wet Menlo peeking in the stom door and I smelled it. Wow, dang… did she make some poop magic or WHAT? It was awful, dry heave almost throw up awful. There was a mound of diarrhea on the dining room carpet with a little Tinkerbell dress sticking out of it. I identified a pom pom, some pink frill and once light and bright green satin with a low cut (totally inappropriate for little girls to be viewing as “beautiful” but that’s another story) v-neck line. BLECK!!! I was awake now with a piece of cardboard to scrape, a bag, a bottle of Bac-out and a bottle of Resolve with a towel. Let the carpet cleaning games BEGIN. I worked quickly because Shad was sticking around to help, God bless him, and I didn’t want to make him late for work. So as I dry heaved, and lurched and blocked my nose I scrubbed to keep the color of my carpet. Given what magic Menlo made I got a lot closer than I anticipated I would.

I told the girls that Tink didn’t have clothes and Shea asked if we could go get her a new dress today. Ahhh… hmmmm… what do you think my response to that was??

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